01.06-31.08 Wed-Sat at 10-15
Winter season: open on request
Service every Sunday at 11 o’clock all year round
Price list:
Visiting: it is a nice gesture to make a donation on-spot
(+372) 5663 9993, 776 9915

EELC Põltsamaa St. Nicholas church was constructed on a former cannon tower (from 1500) during Swedish time in 1632. The church burned down in July 1941, but thanks to active pastor Herbert Kuurme, it was restored by 1952. In the church, you can see altar, pulpit, lights and tower bells (XIX) that were brought from the now defunct University of Tartu church. The altar is rare due to its 2 paintings – one on each side. The organ, made in 1900 at Fr. Sauer factory in Germany, was brought from Viljandi Jaani church that had to be closed back then. Recently, three stained glassed windows were installed, made by Dolores Hofmann.